
Report Criteria
Type: Seminar
Time period: 2013


1 January (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Stephen Holt
  Stella M Valenzuela
  University of Technology, Sydney
  "To be advised."

10 January (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Garry McIntyre
  Jacqueline Cole
  University of Cambridge
  "Photo-crystallography discovers optoelectronic applications"

24 January (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Robert Robinson
  Prof. Michael Loewenhaupt
  Technical University of Dresden, Germany
  "Coupling between Electronic and Lattice Degrees of Freedom in 4f-electron systems investigated by Inelastic Neutron Scattering"


5 February (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Elliot Gilbert
  Andreas Michels
  University of Luxembourg
  "Magnetic SANS on bulk magnets"


14 February (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Hubert Chevreau
  Bragg Institute, ANSTO
  "Porous metal carboxylates: from synthesis of novels structures to functionalization"


18 February (Monday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Bill David


28 February (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Elliot Gilbert
  Stefan Salentinig
  University of Graz, Austria.
  "Lipid Digestion Studied by Scattering Methods"



30 April (Tuesday), 2:00pm, B83 Conference Room
  Kevin Prince
  Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste and Swinburne Uni.
  "Gas phase chemistry of bio molecules: synchrotron radiation studies, and prospects for Free Electron Lasers "



2 May (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Prof. Rudy Wenk
  University of California, Berkeley
  "Advances in quantitative texture analysis using neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction"

9 May (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Matteo Lusi
  Dept. Chemistry, New York University
  "Revising the Neutron-Normalization Method for hydrogen-bonded and hydrogen-hydrogen bonded structures"


16 May (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Shane Kennedy
  Jianli Wang
  Bragg Institute / University of Wollongong
  "Driving magnetostructural transitions in layered intermetallic compounds"


28 May (Tuesday), 11:00am, AINSE Theatre
  Mike James
  "Scientific Update from the Australian Synchrotron (Location: Discover Centre lecture room)"



6 June (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Naren Narayanan
  UNSW Canberra
  "18O isotope substitution on the multiferroic compound DyMnO3"


20 June (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Kathleen Wood
  Richard Mole
  "Pelican looks to the future."

27 June (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Frank Klose
  Professor Ying-Hao Chu
  National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
  "Strongly correlated electron systems on periodic BiFeO3 domain pattern."



8 August (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  "Exploring Jupiter’s icy moons with powder diffraction."

20 August (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Yuntao Liu
  China Institute of Atomic Energy
  "Status of the China Advanced Research Reactor Project in Beijing, China."

20 August (Tuesday), 11:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Xiaolong Liu
  China Institute of Atomic Energy
  "Summary of the IAEA fellowship training on texture study on Kowari diffractometer"

22 August (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Wei Kong Pang
  ANSTO / Wollongong Uni.
  "Lithium Ion Battery, Synchrotron, and Neutron."


29 August (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Mark Johnson
  Institut Laue-Langevin
  "Neutron scattering and numerical simulations at ILL."


5 September (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Sara Callori
  "PbTiO3/SrRuO3: A ferroelectric superlattice with a novel dielectric component"


12 September (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Wei Kong Pang
  ANSTO / Wollongong Uni.
  "Lithium Ion Battery, Synchrotron, and Neutron."

16 September (Monday), 1:00pm, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Lyndon Edwards
  Cev Noyan
  Columbia University, USA
  "First-principles diffraction modeling, and some examples from diffraction"

24 September (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Frank Klose
  M.R. Fitzsimmons
  Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos New Mex
  "Role of neutron scattering in studies of emergent behavior of complex oxide heterostructures, emergence or materials science? "



10 October (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Dr. Gail N. Iles
  Instrument Res. – E11, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
  "Structure of CZTS Compounds Imaged by Laue Diffraction"


17 October (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Sandra Piazolo
  Macquarie University
  "To Dynamics of ice mass deformation: Linking processes to rheology, texture and microstructure"


21 October (Monday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  David Cortie
  ANSTO Bragg institute
  "Final PhD seminar: Magnetic exchange springs and spiral structures in nanomagnetic thin films detected with neutron scattering techniques."

31 October (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Marta Martina-Sanz
  "Cellulose nanowhiskers to enhance the properties of food packaging materials"


7 November (Thursday), 11:00am, AINSE Theatre
  "No Bragg Seminar Distinguished lecture series at AINSE theatre"


14 November (Thursday), 11:00am, B3, upstairs seminar room
  Xun-Li Wang
  Department of Physics & Materials Science, Kowloon
  "Structural origin of the inhomogeneous deformation in bulk metallic glasses Note the seminar is in B3, upstairs seminar room"


21 November (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Andrew Wildes
  Institut Laue Langevin
  "The magnetic structure and dynamics of the MPS3 family (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)"


28 November (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia
  "R&D of Lithium Phosphate Superionic Conductor for Solid Electrolyte in Rechargeable Batteries"



5 December (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Chung-Ming Wu, Nageshwar Yepuri, Jonathan McGree-G
  "Bragg Clip Session - Chun-Ming Wu, Nageshwar Yepuri, Jonathan McCree-Greey"

12 December (Thursday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Marie-Helene Lemee-Cailleau
  Institut Laue Langevin
  "Phase transitions movies via multi-structure determinations Example of Spin-Crossover molecular material"


19 December (Thursday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Vladimir Gubala
  University of Kent
  "‘Surface Chemistry: From biomedical devices to drug delivery systems.'"
