10 January (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Katy Wood "Thesis examination Francois-Xavier Gallat “Dynamics of protein hydration water”, Institut Laue Langevin; & How does D22 run structural biology users? "
10 January (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Shane Kennedy "IAEA meeting on “Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization”"
10 January (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Anton Le Brun "A report on three experiments at ISIS carried out in December 2011"
“A report on three experiments at ISIS carried out in December 2011:
17 January (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Klaus-Dieter Liss "The International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications"
18 January (Wednesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room Lieh-Jeng Chang National Cheng Kung University "From Spin Ice, Magnetic Monopoles, to Higgs Phase in Pyrochlores: Polarized Neutron Studies"
24 January (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Mark Lesha Bragg "Software development for the SNS/GE-RS DAE of the Bilby SANS detector"
7 February (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room James Hester "Getting scientific data formats right - Q2XAFS epiphanies"
14 February (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room Robert Robinson "Report on recent travel to National Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre (Taiwan) and the J-PARC Spallation Source (Japan)"
6 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Stephen Holt and Anton Le Brun "Report on experiments at the APS "Penetration of model gram negative bacterial outer membrane mimics by bacteral toxins""
6 March (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room Matthew Sale "ORNL-SNS: Crystal structure of novel Li-ionic conductor"
13 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Nicolas de Souza "Soft matter and nanostructures at the University of Erlangen - SPHERES experiment at FRM-II"
20 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Elliot Gilbert "Report on Food Structures, Digestion and Health Conference, Palmerston North, NZ"
20 March (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room Hal Lee "Helium-3 Polarising Station En Route To ANSTO: Final Inspection at the ILL"
27 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Klaus-Dieter Liss, Saurabh Kabra "The Centennial Symposium on Neutron and X-Ray Studies of Advanced Materials at TMS-2012 "
27 March (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Bob Aldus "Magnetometry and EPR in Taiwan"
3 April (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Paris Constantine "Business trip to Mirrotron, Swiss Neutronics, HZB and ILL."
10 April (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Anna Paradowska "Residual stress measured by neutron diffraction - overview of TMS2012 and experiments ISIS"
10 April (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Sam Duyker ANSTO Bragg Institute "Report on in situ gas loading systems at the ESRF, and the MDANSE 2012 school at the ILL"
1 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Elliot Gilbert "Report on International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, ETH, Switzerland"
1 May (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Vanessa Peterson "The International Center for Diffraction Data – Spring Meeting and future directions"
8 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Thomas Saerbeck "1st Workshop on New Opportunities for Research on Hard and Soft matter Nanostructures using Neutron Reflectometry in Berlin (17-18 April"
22 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room James Doutch "Report on 11th International hydrocolloid conference, Purdue University, Indiana"
29 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Nick Hauser Nick Hauser ANSTO Bragg Institute "Report on ICALEPCS International Advisory Committee 2012"
The International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS) is a biennial series of conferences inaugurated by a number of control system specialists from accelerator laboratories around the world.
The next event will take place October 5-11, 2013 in San Francisco, California, USA, and will be hosted by the National Ignition Facility (NIF)
Please, contact the "ICALEPCS Executive Committee" at iec-chair @ icalepcs.org for any further information concerning the ICALEPCS series.
29 May (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Andrew Berry ANSTO "Bilby detector FAT"
29 May (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Mark Lesha, Anna Sokolova "Factory Acceptance Test of the Bilby SANS detector"
5 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Ulf Garbe ANSTO "Development of new neutron imaging techniques"
5 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Guochu Deng ANSTO "Report on China-Russian Forum on Ferroelectric/Optical Materials and Applications in Shanghai, China"
5 June (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Lisa Thoennessen, Klaus-Dieter Liss "Thermo Mechanical Processing of Titanium - A Synchrotron Study at ESRF"
12 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Ulf Garbe ANSTO "Development of new neutron imaging techniques"
12 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Anna Sokolova "Factory acceptance test of Bilby choppers"
19 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Rob Robinson ANSTO ""Report on Recent AONSA Executive and Facility Directors Meetings in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia""
19 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Anton Stampfl ANSTO "The Be-Filter Vacuum Chamber and Pumping System: Upholding the Standard"
25 June (Monday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Elliot Gilbert "How to design margarine - SANS experiments at LLB"
26 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Andrew Nelson "All things reflectometry - experiments at Offspec/Inter/Diamond and progress on the ESS reflectometer "
26 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Stephen Holt "SANS of OmpF/ColN complexes and NR of model bilayer films at ISIS. "
10 July (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Frank Klose "Report on the Taiwan Association of Magnetic Technology conference in Kaohsiung and visits to other Taiwanese universities"
10 July (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Andrew Eltobaji & Frank Klose "Report on Neutron Guide Factory Acceptance Testing at SwissNeutronics and Mirrotron"
17 July (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Christine Rehm ""Report on International Symposium on Advanced Polymeric Materials 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia."
17 July (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Neeraj Sharma The Bragg Institute "Report on the 16th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries"
17 July (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Paolo Imperia ANTSO "FAT of the Sorption System and Extreme Conditions Sample Environment Workshop"
30 July (Monday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Elliot Gilbert "Report on ICNS 2013 and SANS experiments at PSI"
31 July (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Max Avdeev "Report on the 13th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Japan"
31 July (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Elvis Shoko "Rattling Dynamics of Alkali Metal Atoms in Defect Pyrochlore Tungstates"
31 July (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Elvis Shoko "Vibrational Dynamics in Hydrogen Clathrates and Defect Pyrochlore Oxides from Molecular Dynamics"
7 August (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Klaus-Dieter Liss ANSTO "Conferences and Collaborations in China"
7 August (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Garry McIntyre "Report on the conferences, Perspectives for Neutron Science in Extreme & Novel Conditions (Zaragoza), and Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations (Paris)"
14 August (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Andrew Nelson "SXNS2012 - Surface Xray and Neutron Scattering Kolkata 2012. What went on?"
14 August (Tuesday), 10:50am, B82 Conference Room Dan Bartlett ANSTO "Results of the factory acceptance test for the Bilby beam conditioner"
14 August (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Anna Sokolova ANSTO "SANS & macromagnetic workshop, Factory Acceptance Test for guides between choppers for Bilby and two more fact-finding visits"
28 August (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Sergey Danilkin "Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, July 2012, Sendai, Japan"
28 August (Tuesday), 10:50am, B82 Conference Room Ulf Garbe ANSTO "Radiography at ANSTO: A dream comes true"
28 August (Tuesday), 11:10am, B82 Conference Room Alison Edwards ANSTO "Iris-13, Inorganic Ring systems, collaborations in Chemical Crystallography"
11 September (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Mike James "SANS study of self-assembled organic gels at Oak Ridge National Laboratory"
18 September (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Ben Kent & Chris Garvey "Studying dry membranes in Berlin"
18 September (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Katy Wood "Experiments on enzyme dynamics at FRM-II + protein structure on D22 at ILL"
18 September (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Cy Jeffries "Experiment on cardiac myosin binding protein on D22 at ILL"
25 September (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Vanessa Peterson "Study of sustainable energy materials using neutron powder diffraction"
25 September (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room David Cortie "Report on Joint European Symposium on Magnetism"
2 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Stewart Pullen ANSTO "Mirrotron FAT and Documentation Review Visit"
9 October (Tuesday), 9:50am, B83 Conference Room Dehong Yu ANSTO "Report on Conferences: Highlights on 10th International Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 5th Workshop on inelastic Neutron scattering"
9 October (Tuesday), 10:10am, B83 Conference Room Tamim Darwish "Report on the 11th International Symposium on the Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds, Heidelberg Germany."
9 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Klaus-Dieter Liss ANSTO "The DGM - Materials Australia Symposium in Germany, and Materials Science Engineering Congress in Darmstadt"
16 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room David Mannicke ANSTO "Report on Conferences: Highlights on NOBUGS2012 and NIAC"
16 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Shane Kennedy ANSTO "Observations on the status of the European Spallation Source Project"
16 October (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Paris Constantine "Travel talk - Report on visit to ISIS: Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments workshop"
16 October (Tuesday), 11:20am, B83 Conference Room Rob Robinson "Report on recent visits to Japan and China: Japan-Australia scientific relations and Progress on the China Spallation Neutron Source"
23 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Sergey Danilkin "Material Science Engineering international symposium (MCE2012), Darmstadt Germany"
23 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B82 Conference Room James Hester ANSTO "Getting scientific data management right, part II"
23 October (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Warren Brown, Macleay Stephenson and Lal Wimalawan "This is for Pre-Factory Acceptance Testing of components for EMU as part of the NBI2 project. "
30 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room David Cortie "IUPAC Conference and Polarized Neutron Reflectometry Workshop"
30 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Bob Aldus "Report on magnetization and EPR experiments at NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan"
30 October (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Frank Klose "FAT of CG2 guides at SwissNeutronics "
13 November (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Dehong Yu ANSTO "New collaboration opportunities using ANSTO neutron facilities and report on two conferences in China"
13 November (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Christine Rehm "Kookaburra USANS channel-cut crystals: Results of factory acceptance tests & evaluation of a new channel-cut crystal design"
13 November (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room Garry McIntyre "Alan Hewat Colloquium"
11 December (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room Brett Wheeler "Report on travel to Budapest for an FAT on the CG3 guide being built by Mirrotron "
11 December (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Peter Holden "Report on the Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Neutron Scattering Society"
18 December (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room David Cortie "Polarized neutron reflectometry experiments at FRMII"
18 December (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room Hal Lee ANSTO "Current status of Chinese Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) Neutron Scattering Instruments"
18 December (Tuesday), 11:30am, B83 Conference Room Klaus-Dieter Liss ANSTO "Around-The-World-Trip: Reports from the ARC/CEO Light Metals, the ESS Workshop on Thermo-Mechanical Processing and the Neutron & X-Ray Symposium organized at the MRS"
18 December (Tuesday), 11:50am, B83 Conference Room Stephen Holt "ISIS Experiments: Tethered Membranes and CLIC insertion."