
Report Criteria
Type: Short Talk
Time period: 2012


10 January (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Katy Wood
  "Thesis examination Francois-Xavier Gallat “Dynamics of protein hydration water”, Institut Laue Langevin; & How does D22 run structural biology users? "

10 January (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Shane Kennedy
  "IAEA meeting on “Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization”"


10 January (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Anton Le Brun
  "A report on three experiments at ISIS carried out in December 2011"


17 January (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Klaus-Dieter Liss
  "The International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications"

18 January (Wednesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Lieh-Jeng Chang
  National Cheng Kung University
  "From Spin Ice, Magnetic Monopoles, to Higgs Phase in Pyrochlores: Polarized Neutron Studies"

24 January (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Mark Lesha
  "Software development for the SNS/GE-RS DAE of the Bilby SANS detector"


7 February (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  James Hester
  "Getting scientific data formats right - Q2XAFS epiphanies"


14 February (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Robert Robinson
  "Report on recent travel to National Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre (Taiwan) and the J-PARC Spallation Source (Japan)"


6 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Stephen Holt and Anton Le Brun
  "Report on experiments at the APS "Penetration of model gram negative bacterial outer membrane mimics by bacteral toxins""


6 March (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Matthew Sale
  "ORNL-SNS: Crystal structure of novel Li-ionic conductor"

13 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Nicolas de Souza
  "Soft matter and nanostructures at the University of Erlangen - SPHERES experiment at FRM-II"

20 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Elliot Gilbert
  "Report on Food Structures, Digestion and Health Conference, Palmerston North, NZ"

20 March (Tuesday), 11:00am, B83 Conference Room
  Hal Lee
  "Helium-3 Polarising Station En Route To ANSTO: Final Inspection at the ILL"

27 March (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Klaus-Dieter Liss, Saurabh Kabra
  "The Centennial Symposium on Neutron and X-Ray Studies of Advanced Materials at TMS-2012 "


27 March (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Bob Aldus
  "Magnetometry and EPR in Taiwan"


3 April (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Paris Constantine
  "Business trip to Mirrotron, Swiss Neutronics, HZB and ILL."


10 April (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Anna Paradowska
  "Residual stress measured by neutron diffraction - overview of TMS2012 and experiments ISIS"

10 April (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Sam Duyker
  ANSTO Bragg Institute
  "Report on in situ gas loading systems at the ESRF, and the MDANSE 2012 school at the ILL"



1 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Elliot Gilbert
  "Report on International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, ETH, Switzerland"

1 May (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Vanessa Peterson
  "The International Center for Diffraction Data – Spring Meeting and future directions"

8 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Thomas Saerbeck
  "1st Workshop on New Opportunities for Research on Hard and Soft matter Nanostructures using Neutron Reflectometry in Berlin (17-18 April"

22 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  James Doutch
  "Report on 11th International hydrocolloid conference, Purdue University, Indiana"

29 May (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room. Hosted by Nick Hauser
  Nick Hauser
  ANSTO Bragg Institute
  "Report on ICALEPCS International Advisory Committee 2012"


29 May (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Andrew Berry
  "Bilby detector FAT"

29 May (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Mark Lesha, Anna Sokolova
  "Factory Acceptance Test of the Bilby SANS detector"


5 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Ulf Garbe
  "Development of new neutron imaging techniques"

5 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Guochu Deng
  "Report on China-Russian Forum on Ferroelectric/Optical Materials and Applications in Shanghai, China"


5 June (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Lisa Thoennessen, Klaus-Dieter Liss
  "Thermo Mechanical Processing of Titanium - A Synchrotron Study at ESRF"

12 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Ulf Garbe
  "Development of new neutron imaging techniques"

12 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Anna Sokolova
  "Factory acceptance test of Bilby choppers"

19 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Rob Robinson
  ""Report on Recent AONSA Executive and Facility Directors Meetings in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia""


19 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Anton Stampfl
  "The Be-Filter Vacuum Chamber and Pumping System: Upholding the Standard"

25 June (Monday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Elliot Gilbert
  "How to design margarine - SANS experiments at LLB"

25 June (Monday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Elliot Gilbert
  "How to design margarine - SANS experiments at LLB"

26 June (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Andrew Nelson
  "All things reflectometry - experiments at Offspec/Inter/Diamond and progress on the ESS reflectometer "

26 June (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Stephen Holt
  "SANS of OmpF/ColN complexes and NR of model bilayer films at ISIS. "


10 July (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Frank Klose
  "Report on the Taiwan Association of Magnetic Technology conference in Kaohsiung and visits to other Taiwanese universities"

10 July (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Andrew Eltobaji & Frank Klose
  "Report on Neutron Guide Factory Acceptance Testing at SwissNeutronics and Mirrotron"

17 July (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Christine Rehm
  ""Report on International Symposium on Advanced Polymeric Materials 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia."

17 July (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Neeraj Sharma
  The Bragg Institute
  "Report on the 16th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries"

17 July (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Paolo Imperia
  "FAT of the Sorption System and Extreme Conditions Sample Environment Workshop"

30 July (Monday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Elliot Gilbert
  "Report on ICNS 2013 and SANS experiments at PSI"

31 July (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Max Avdeev
  "Report on the 13th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Japan"

31 July (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Elvis Shoko
  "Rattling Dynamics of Alkali Metal Atoms in Defect Pyrochlore Tungstates"

31 July (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Elvis Shoko
  "Vibrational Dynamics in Hydrogen Clathrates and Defect Pyrochlore Oxides from Molecular Dynamics"


7 August (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Klaus-Dieter Liss
  "Conferences and Collaborations in China"

7 August (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Garry McIntyre
  "Report on the conferences, Perspectives for Neutron Science in Extreme & Novel Conditions (Zaragoza), and Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations (Paris)"

14 August (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Andrew Nelson
  "SXNS2012 - Surface Xray and Neutron Scattering Kolkata 2012. What went on?"

14 August (Tuesday), 10:50am, B82 Conference Room
  Dan Bartlett
  "Results of the factory acceptance test for the Bilby beam conditioner"

14 August (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Anna Sokolova
  "SANS & macromagnetic workshop, Factory Acceptance Test for guides between choppers for Bilby and two more fact-finding visits"

28 August (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Sergey Danilkin
  "Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, July 2012, Sendai, Japan"

28 August (Tuesday), 10:50am, B82 Conference Room
  Ulf Garbe
  "Radiography at ANSTO: A dream comes true"

28 August (Tuesday), 11:10am, B82 Conference Room
  Alison Edwards
  "Iris-13, Inorganic Ring systems, collaborations in Chemical Crystallography"


11 September (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Mike James
  "SANS study of self-assembled organic gels at Oak Ridge National Laboratory"

18 September (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Ben Kent & Chris Garvey
  "Studying dry membranes in Berlin"

18 September (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Katy Wood
  "Experiments on enzyme dynamics at FRM-II + protein structure on D22 at ILL"

18 September (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Cy Jeffries
  "Experiment on cardiac myosin binding protein on D22 at ILL"

25 September (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Vanessa Peterson
  "Study of sustainable energy materials using neutron powder diffraction"

25 September (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  David Cortie
  "Report on Joint European Symposium on Magnetism"


2 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Stewart Pullen
  "Mirrotron FAT and Documentation Review Visit"

9 October (Tuesday), 9:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Dehong Yu
  "Report on Conferences: Highlights on 10th International Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 5th Workshop on inelastic Neutron scattering"

9 October (Tuesday), 10:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Tamim Darwish
  "Report on the 11th International Symposium on the Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds, Heidelberg Germany."

9 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Klaus-Dieter Liss
  "The DGM - Materials Australia Symposium in Germany, and Materials Science Engineering Congress in Darmstadt"

16 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  David Mannicke
  "Report on Conferences: Highlights on NOBUGS2012 and NIAC"

16 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Shane Kennedy
  "Observations on the status of the European Spallation Source Project"


16 October (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Paris Constantine
  "Travel talk - Report on visit to ISIS: Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments workshop"

16 October (Tuesday), 11:20am, B83 Conference Room
  Rob Robinson
  "Report on recent visits to Japan and China: Japan-Australia scientific relations and Progress on the China Spallation Neutron Source"

23 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Sergey Danilkin
  "Material Science Engineering international symposium (MCE2012), Darmstadt Germany"

23 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B82 Conference Room
  James Hester
  "Getting scientific data management right, part II"

23 October (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Warren Brown, Macleay Stephenson and Lal Wimalawan
  "This is for Pre-Factory Acceptance Testing of components for EMU as part of the NBI2 project. "

30 October (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  David Cortie
  "IUPAC Conference and Polarized Neutron Reflectometry Workshop"

30 October (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Bob Aldus
  "Report on magnetization and EPR experiments at NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan"

30 October (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Frank Klose
  "FAT of CG2 guides at SwissNeutronics "


13 November (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Dehong Yu
  "New collaboration opportunities using ANSTO neutron facilities and report on two conferences in China"

13 November (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Christine Rehm
  "Kookaburra USANS channel-cut crystals: Results of factory acceptance tests & evaluation of a new channel-cut crystal design"

13 November (Tuesday), 11:10am, B83 Conference Room
  Garry McIntyre
  "Alan Hewat Colloquium"


11 December (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Brett Wheeler
  "Report on travel to Budapest for an FAT on the CG3 guide being built by Mirrotron "

11 December (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Peter Holden
  "Report on the Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Neutron Scattering Society"

18 December (Tuesday), 10:30am, B83 Conference Room
  David Cortie
  "Polarized neutron reflectometry experiments at FRMII"

18 December (Tuesday), 10:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Hal Lee
  "Current status of Chinese Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) Neutron Scattering Instruments"


18 December (Tuesday), 11:30am, B83 Conference Room
  Klaus-Dieter Liss
  "Around-The-World-Trip: Reports from the ARC/CEO Light Metals, the ESS Workshop on Thermo-Mechanical Processing and the Neutron & X-Ray Symposium organized at the MRS"

18 December (Tuesday), 11:50am, B83 Conference Room
  Stephen Holt
  "ISIS Experiments: Tethered Membranes and CLIC insertion."